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   發(fā)布者:admin    時間:2018-03-29



一、概述 Introductions




Managers and supervisors understand access to intact, real time information is critical to lift the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. In fact most of them are forced to catch the data they have: randomly collected and difficultly interpreted- often stash in binders and reports- that never meaningful views of situation and make it difficult to decide what to do first.

With Ejsut Truck Fleet Management System, the wireless fleet management system from Ejsut Engineering, users save time and money by turning real time and historic data into organized, prioritized and actionable information that flags problems and opportunities as they occur.

Ejust System is the one solution that provides everything from compliance and meaningful impact reporting to truck utilization data across a full line of trucks.

二、智能叉車管理系統(tǒng)主要功能 Ejust System Major Functions


The system provides 5 key functions to help managers to reduce forklift truck operation cost and improve their efficiency.

1)安全啟動 Authorized Operating

• 當駕駛員扭動叉車啟動鑰匙后,駕駛員需要輸入他的個人專用密碼或通過掃描專用的訪問卡后,叉車功能才開始處于接通狀態(tài)。

When an operator keys on a truck, s/he have to input the personal ID number or read his personal RFID card, and then power supply of the truck is connected.

• 叉車功能接通后,屏幕(可選項)會自動彈出安全檢查菜單,駕駛員對每項安全檢查作出確認,“可以”或“不可以”。當所有調(diào)查項目都通過“可以”鍵確認后,叉車才真正可以開始運作。另外,系統(tǒng)會自動記錄每天或每次的檢查,方便日后有需要時的查閱。同時還實現(xiàn)“無紙張化”的安全檢查,因為采用傳統(tǒng)的“表格式-紙張”安全檢查表,容易掉失或損壞,難于保存管理。

While truck enabled, a truck-mounted display (optional) shows daily checklist simultaneously, and the operator have to confirm each check point with expression of Yes/No. The truck is ready to be operated, after every check point is qualified. The system automatically records check results, in order to easy retrieve records in future.

• 管理層可以通過系統(tǒng)設(shè)定每一位駕駛員可使用該叉車的年限,假如,駕駛員“甲”給他設(shè)定的期限到1231日到期時,在11日時,該駕駛員已經(jīng)不能啟動這臺叉車。在我們北京叉車出租看來主要是避免非受任命的駕駛員使用該叉車而導致不必要的意外,造成不必要的麻煩。

Managers are able to set each operators access time period, for example operator As access time end is Dec 31, so this operator can not use this truck in coming Jan 1.



2)意外事件記錄:Accident Records

• 智能叉車管理系統(tǒng)會自動不間斷地監(jiān)控叉車的運作情況。

The system records truck status continuously

• 當發(fā)生意外碰撞時,系統(tǒng)會自動將事件完整的記錄,包括駕駛員的編號、意外發(fā)生地址。管理層可以從后臺終端查看有關(guān)事故的一切資料。

The system records intact event data, such operator ID and time when impact occurs. Managers are able to read all data of each impact event via hand set or personal computer

• 通過系統(tǒng)的監(jiān)控記錄,有效控制駕駛員使用叉車不規(guī)范行為,避免貨物的耗損及貨架的損毀。有效地控制運作成本,同時也降低叉車的維護成本。

It is positive to curb operators improper behaviors via system monitor, to avoid goods and rack damages.



3)優(yōu)化效率:Efficiency and Utilization

• 通過管理系統(tǒng)的報告,管理層可以有效地分析每個駕駛員的生產(chǎn)能力/工作效率、叉車實際的利用率及一些低效率的運作過程。

Managers are able to know each operators working load and truck utilization.

• 管理層可以利用這些參數(shù),分析能滿足實際工作工況下,實際所需要的叉車數(shù)量。從而調(diào)整叉車準確的數(shù)量或調(diào)整叉車的實際應(yīng)用工況。

Managers are able to decide required equipment quantity via those objective data or reassign truck fleet into real applications confidently

4)保養(yǎng)間距:Maintenance Period

• 管理系統(tǒng)通過叉車的實際工作小時,從而設(shè)定保養(yǎng)時間的間距,比傳統(tǒng)采用按日歷時間安排保養(yǎng)的模式更為有效、準確。

The system records real working time of trucks and it is simple to set maintenance period effectively and efficiently.

• 系統(tǒng)設(shè)定保養(yǎng)間距,具備提醒功能,不會因工作繁忙而忘記執(zhí)行保養(yǎng),導致不必要的零配件更換費用等。

The system has alert function to remind due or coming maintenance jobs, and managers can arrange their maintenances timely.

• 管理系統(tǒng)完全可以滿足保養(yǎng)部門規(guī)定的保養(yǎng)間距要求-簡單、高效。

The system helps maintenance managers to control and optimize their maintenance activities easily and efficiently





• 叉車及駕駛員的實際工作狀況,管理層完全可以通過后臺系統(tǒng),得到真實的情況,有效管理,節(jié)省不必要的浪費,提供生產(chǎn)效率。

Managers are able to know real time work status of every truck and operator, and record their historical data by using the system.

• 實時監(jiān)控叉車的電量和油量,提醒駕駛員及時充電,保證叉車的正常工作

The system monitors electricity or fuel status of each truck, and remind operators to recharge or refuel trucks properly

三、智能叉車管理系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)勢 Ejust System Strengths


The key performance factors vital to their success are Compliance, Impacts, Utilization, Productivity, Energy and Service greatly impact their day-to-day operations.

1.服從性 Compliance


Assure that operators only use truck types for which they are certified

Customize electronic inspection checklist to ensure safe equipment and comply with OSHA regulations

Know that only trucks passing inspection are in service

2.碰撞 Impacts


Reduce argument and truck abuse with reliable Impulse impact detection

Gain immediate email notification of impacts and other alerts

Acknowledge impact alarms with comments that document the situation

3.利用率 Utilization


View the status of your equipment in real-time: logged-on, logged-off or in maintenance

Log actual truck hours and record login, idle, hydraulic and travel times



Compare operator travel/ lift time per hour to other operators

Track how effectively your operators complete inspection checklists

5.能源 Energey


Review battery-change time by operator and the entire fleet

Identify early battery changes and short-charge cycles

6.維修 Service


Schedule timely Plan Maintenance based on accurate hour readings

Automatically notify your service department of upcoming Plan Maintenance

四、智能系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu) System Topology


The system is consisted of sensors, control modules and service software with internet access- GPRS module.





搬運:豐臺區(qū) 通州區(qū) 朝陽區(qū) 海淀區(qū)等都有分部
聯(lián)系電話:010-52677077 / 13911754593
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